Dr Nader Beshay
Adult and Paediatric Ophthalmologist
Dr Beshay is a comprehensive ophthalmologist who has sub-specialty training in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.
Refer a patientDr Beshay is a comprehensive ophthalmologist who has sub-specialty training in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. He treats a wide variety of eye conditions in both adults and children.
Dr Beshay completed medical school at the University of New South Wales and worked at the Royal North Shore Hospital for five years, including three years in Emergency Medicine, before commencing training in Ophthalmology through the Sydney Eye Hospital.
After completing his training at the Sydney Eye Hospital, he was appointed Senior Ophthalmology Registrar at the Royal North Shore Hospital and gained a wealth of experience performing cataract surgery.
He then underwent further sub-specialty training, completing a fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at the Queensland Children’s Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
Dr Beshay has special interests in cataract surgery, ocular trauma, retinopathy of prematurity and strabismus (both adult and paediatric).
He is currently appointed as a Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal North Shore Hospital, Campbelltown Hospital and Macquarie University Hospital.